14165244890 Telemarketing Scammer 416 524-4890 SPAM
If you received a spam Telemarketing call from 14165244890, 416 524-4890, 416-524-4890, (416) 524-4890, 1(416) 524-4890, +14165244890 it’s a scam, don’t bother reviewing what’s said in the message; these scammers are trying to confirm your phone number is active; you’d be smarter to block the Telemarketing call from such a scammer so the scammer can’t call you anymore.
These scammers and spammers are masters of catching people off guard or instilling fear into the recipient of their deceit. Whatever 141652448901 is promoting, it’s a scam, a total fraud, and should be avoided at all costs. t hang up, block, and report it so others can be warned!