Is a scam?
The smart consumer journal found at which creates in this instance a fictional character named Theresa Andrews that claims “I actually make a steady $7,000-$8,000 a month working from home online. It’s enough to comfortably replace my old jobs income, especially considering I only work about 15 hours a week from my own home online. It gives me so much time to spend with my family.”
If I were you I wouldn’t take this story seriously if you scroll to the top of the website it says “ADVERTISEMENT” also if you scroll to the bottom of that website it says “THIS IS AN ADVERTISEMENT AND NOT AN ACTUAL NEWS ARTICLE, BLOG, OR CONSUMER PROTECTION UPDATE”
Also I will comment on Jennifer Smith ‘123 Income Academy’ I’ll tell you the website is promoting is not worth it they will up-sell and up-sell you some more you’ve been warned if you want to sign up go right ahead I’ve seen plenty of these fake news blogs websites around and also the is a rehashed recycled money making program that has a long history of scam complaints negative reviews and bad customer experiences if you don’t believe me type “e profit academy” into Google you might also notice that the e profit academy website has been shut down which is something you should expect from in the near future.
If want to make money online consider visiting the work from home page this page might not have what you want to hear but it tells you the truth!