Scam +17806761953 Text messaging Scammer 1 780-676-1953 SPAM
If you received a spam text message from using the following number(s) +17806761953, 17806761953, 1 780-676-1953, 1-780-676-1953, 1 (780) 676-1953, (780) 676-1953, 780 676-1953, 780-676-1953, 7806761953 it’s a scam, don’t bother reviewing or clicking anything in their fraudulent message; these scammers are trying to confirm your phone number is active. You’d be smarter to block or delete the message so the scammer doesn’t message you again; whatever 17806761953 is promoting is a scam and, likely trying to steal your information.
Typically these fraudsters are data harvesting, so they can resell your personal information on the black market/dark web. So it’s best to simply delete their fraudulent message. In this instance the scammer might be using the website in other instances it might be a different website.
Now that a lot of phone numbers are linked to certain providers, it’s become easier for these scammers to use automated bots to send random text messages targeting individuals on a particular cell phone network.
Do not give out your personal information
This 1 780-676-1953 text messaging scammer might be using your phone number to sell it as a lead or sell use it to steal your personal information, so it’s best not to respond out of anger; block it, and don’t waste your time with it. What this 1 780-676-1953 spammer sends you might be different than what it sends me, and if you don’t block this text messaging scammer don’t be surprised if they send you more spam messages you’ll want to consider a NordVPN or something similar to block scammers and protect your passwords.
Text messages to steal your personal information and commit fraud
This automated message is used to get you to call the number back so that the owners of this scam can confirm that you exist and also to obtain your private information. Do yourself a favor, and don’t give it to them.
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