Platinum profit formula scam
Honestly there are so many websites that look like and have the same video that I’m beginning to lose count. Personally I would avoid this online program. Personally I don’t trust online programs that do not use Clickbank. The reason is because I know for a fact that Clickbank honors refund request Nick Walker on the other hand is a person I’ve never heard of until now. Nick Walker’s Platinum Profit Formula resembles another program that allot of people are calling a scam now which is At Home Income Source or
There’s a good chance that there’s an up-sell for Platinum profit formula
Both websites use the same website design and they both use the same news video. By the way that news video has been online for years now. The stories I hear about At Home Income Source is that they upsell after you pay the first fee. That being said if you go to the payment page on both At Home Income Source and Platinum profit formula you’ll probably notice that they both look the same. This in my opinion can only mean that Platinum profit formula probably has an upsell waiting for people after they pay to sign up. I hate secret up-sells I find that only swindlers use them.
My Conclusion
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s probably a duck. I don’t recommend that people sign up for I can’t stop you from trying but don’t say I didn’t warn you. I know times in my country are tough and many of you are looking for opportunities to make money online. That’s why I created a work from home page. If you are interested in making money from home check it out. I only put the trusted brands on this page. Each one doesn’t have any up-sells what you see is what you get. There are lots of people working from home full time because of these established programs. The prices are fair and the owners are honest people.
I signed up for this program before I checked it out–now I have an “exclusive interview” with the director because I qualify for one on one coaching…..which bascially means they want me to pay more money. An upsell….you called it.