Is a scam?
My definition of a scam is: does the product deliver and/or are there any secret up-sells that I need to know about before I choose to buy. Dave’s program doesn’t do any of that stuff. to me seems like a very thought out online dating guide. The fact it has a 60 day money back guarantee made me want to at least give the thing a try. I’ve never been a big fan of online dating to be honest.
But trying Dave’s program made me a believer, I liked it because it was straight forward other people might like Dave’s program for other reasons but I liked it because it was very easy to implement and understand. I enjoyed his directions as well as I liked the fact of how clearly he presented his message. On his direction I took a few pictures with some female friends I have at my job and what’s strange to me is the messages I got from women writing to me asking “so who is she”, and “so what are you doing on this site”
Scary facts about insider Internet Dating
Just like Dave said the messages I received had women eating out of the palm of my hands. This actually shocked me that it worked just like he said it would your words and your presentation definitely tell a woman a lot about you, the next thing I liked is that he guides you on what to do next. I’ll give you the quick rundown on my emotions going through Dave’s program.
My first experience with
Ok so I’ve signed up and I’ve tried it out I’ve got women contacting me and then for me this is where I got nervous because I didn’t want to screw it up. I follow through with his instructions and the hardest part for me is being patient with the process this is where doubt crept into my mind, but I said I would try the program and I did and I must say that it works.
I will admit the women I tested first weren’t super models actually I targeted women that I wasn’t that interested in just to see if it would work. I will admit that it worked like a charm but I will also like to say that I followed his information to a T. If you want to see results I recommend doing the same thing, don’t try to reinvent the wheel Trust that Dave already did all the hard work for you.
In closing…
In closing is not a scam it’s actually pretty good and it’s set up in a way that anyone that implements the lessons will succeed. There is a catch however and that catch is I’m not sure if every guy will be able to follow all the directions. If you’re shy or have insecurity issues I think that you might find a bit challenging that’s the only catch.
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