Deferred action for dreamers allows unregistered youths to get temporary permits to stay in United States. It is designed for undocumented immigrants in their youth who landed in the US as kids or without papers. The permit lasts up to two years with an allowance for renewal. Temporary permits issued allow one to be granted authorization for employment. The permits are awarded on individual merit.
The program is run by the Department of Homeland Security/DHS which advises all applicants to make inquiries from specialist advocates on immigration other than contacting any notary public or consultant. The specialist lawyers are accredited and equipped to offer detailed and factual information. Each case is handled on its own strength. The names of accredited lawyers and their addresses are available online. The power to award and decline an application lies with the DHS.
One is not guaranteed US citizen ship or lawful permanent stay by virtue of holding the temporary permit. It serves as recognition of temporary stay in the US for as long as the permit is valid. Eligibility requirements are strict and are scrutinized and controlled by DHS.
The program covers persons who were born from 16.06.1981 to the date of application. Immigrants who came to the US before celebrating their sixteenth birthday are also eligible. Persons who have continuously lived in US since 15.06.2007 are eligible as well. These persons must be living in the state without legal immigration papers. Persons whose period of stay has expired are eligible.
Individuals with General Education Development certification GED after high school will qualify for the program. Veterans who have served in the US armed forces or as Coast Guards are given consideration too. What would disqualify an individual includes criminal records on felony or a conviction for other significant misdemeanors. Involvement with criminal gangs and their related activity will lead to disqualification.
The DHS carries out a thorough background check to establish the biometric and biographic data that is available about the person. Proof of qualification includes such documents as financial records, medical records and school documents. Employment and military records are part of the proof that will be used to qualify a person. Document that show continued say in the US are at time substituted with a sworn affidavit by at least two persons who were in the US for the required period and who know you well.
DHS requires that persons arrested or convicted for an offense should produce a copy of this history. The copy can be obtained from the FBI. The judgment delivered on your case should accompany the application. This document is commonly referred to as letter of disposition. Upon renewal of the action, the holder must renew the work permit as well. The permit is used in some states to acquire a driving license but more documents will be required from other states.
Deferred action for dreamers is approved within six months. Depending on individual cases, the time may be slightly more or less. It allows one to seek leave to legally travel out of the country to pursue employment, education or for humanitarian reasons. An application fee is charged to cater for finger printing and work permit authorization. There are special circumstances where waivers for the fees are granted.
When you are searching for current information about deferred action for Dreamers, visit the web pages online at today. You can see details here at now.