5in5now.com Review Is It a Scam?
There’s nothing over the top about 5in5now.com but be warned that when you sign up for something like 5in5now.com you’re inviting spammers into your email account so if you’re going to sign up for 5in5now.com I recommend creating a new free email account to receive their emails. When you join any free to join program that claims to help you make money online for free you’re essentially inviting 3 party advertisers to sell you things. Personally I recommend avoiding 5in5now.com but don’t let my opinion stop you because the truth of the matter is that almost everybody is doing what they’re doing in way or another.
5in5now.com and how they relate to trial offers
How a site like 5in5now.com makes its money typically is by offering its members the opportunity to sign up for high priced and high risk trial offers. The reason why I use the words high priced and high risk trial offers is because often online trial offers cost more down the road than they would had a customer bought the desired item retail. The reason why I use the word “high risk trial offers” is because it’s the customer’s job to call the company in advance to cancel shipment and to avoid re-billing from occurring. This to me makes trial offers very undesirable.
5in5now.com serves as the middle men between advertisers and buyers they help advertisers reach buyers and also help buyers receive rebates for purchasing goods and or services. What 5in5now.com does is nothing new in fact it’s been going on for a very a long time. In my personal opinion if you want to get paid to shop the best place to go to is Project Payday. The reason why I recommend using Project Payday over any other service as it relates to rebates is because with them you the consumer has the opportunity to work as a buyer, as a teacher or as an affiliate. Using Project Payday also educates you on how to make a living online while you get paid with rebates, as good as 5in5now.com might be to some people it’s not as good in my opinion as Project Payday.
Final thoughts on 5in5now.com
If you’re going to sign up with 5in5now.com I recommend doing so with an alternative email address I don’t recommend using your personal email address to sign up with them. I wouldn’t call 5in5now.com a scam but based on some of the feedback I’ve read I wouldn’t call them legit either. Before giving out your credit card make sure that you read the terms and conditions also I recommend avoiding trial offers. Please leave your comments or your experience with 5in5now.com below it helps others.
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