Is a Scam?
I don’t think that is a scam but I do think that it’s a rip-off to the consumer. The truth of the matter is that once you sign up with them they get your credit card, that’s the only thing they’re after nothing else matters them. The reason why I don’t like and all the penny auctions for that matter is that they make so much money and if you watch most of these penny auctions online what do most of them do they make a bunch of money and then one day they stop shipping out items to their customers and then one day they close their doors. I’ve seen this happen plenty of times the biggest one to do this was
My complaint with and why I think people should stay away is doing exactly what a lot of the other fly by night penny auctions have done which is they have their bid prices at different rates. If you purchase a smaller bid back at $69, each bid costs you 0.60 cents if you buy their huge bid pack at $119 each bid cost .35. Now I’m not saying that dealfun will do this but the last time I saw a company do this it went out of business within a few months. It’s very easy to make and lose profits in a penny auction business. Another thing you have to take into consideration is the faulty penny auction business model.
A lot of penny auction websites have inflation problems which are caused by them having too many auctions for bid packs. Penny auctions usually do this when they’re low on money or on merchandise and need to keep the game a float. What happens is there will be a bunch of users that have a bunch of bids raised from bid packs which will enable them to win a lot of auctions for close to nothing. The truth of the matter when it comes to penny auctions is that most of the people who lose don’t come back. So the smart ones that are hoarding bids start winning things for cheap and don’t forget that penny auction has to keep advertising to stay afloat which in reality will in time drain it’s ‘treasury’ if the owner hasn’t done proper accounting. is one huge marketing gimmick!
The whole penny auction industry is just one huge marketing gimmick personally I recommend staying away. I also don’t recommend buying your own because the penny auction industry is very competitive and unless you have the dollars to advertise you will lose big. On the buyers side in my opinion and all the sites like it are borderline gambling and should be treated as such. I can’t call a scam until they decide not to deliver the merchandise to the winners of their auctions. I don’t think you should join.
Please leave your comments
The number to reach a live person about a complaint or dispute is 855-701-2091
OK enough already, there appears to be no shortage of the same type of ripoffs has anyone started a list for a class action suit before these companies fold their tents and move on?
deal fun has now deactivated my account with 485 bid left in it so if anyone has a question now if deal fun is a scam ant and all questions can be put to rest
I won 3 items at this auction site. Within 3 weeks of winning, I got an email from Dealfun saying they could not send the item due to supplier error. They gave me back my bids I used plus extra bids for what I paid for the items. What a joke – no credit back to my credit card. The bids are useless unless they supply the goods which I suspect was never going to happen. STAY AWAY FROM DEALFUN!
does someone know or can contact an attourney to see what can be done this kind of B.S.should not happen count me in
The biggest scam..I won a tablet for 17.00 and now they tell me they having shipping problems its all a scam….I told them to ship it another way but they canceled my item and said they would refund in bids….its all bs…..bad company…stay away….
Can’t even bring up the site this morning! Anyone know what gives with that? I was bidding on 2 Ipads at the time. How convenient!!
the site is down now I wouder what happened get the class going
deal fun has open business in Ca, and in Tampa Fl, below is the La and Tampa chamber of commercethey may be able to help
Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce
350 S. Bixel Street
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone: 213.580.7500
Fax: 213.580.7511
Email: click to send message
Mailing Address
PO Box 420
Tampa, FL 33601
Physical Address
201 N. Franklin Street, Suite 201
Tampa, FL 33602-5846
Switchboard Number
Information Center
[email protected]
Incoming Fax
Executive Office Fax
and they are in the us so we do have a chance of getting what is rightfuly ours we did not break the law they did and what pi s s s e s me off is they could have made money and done it right
January 31th,
I dont see this morning, on the web site, the buySafe tag for the certificate of guarantee… Are they losted partenership???? Take care!!
No arguments from me
I won 2 items at this auction site. Within 2 weeks of winning, I got an email from Dealfun saying they could not send the item due to supplier error. I have contacted there customer support number 855-701-2091, first the computers were down, than after a few days I spoke with a customer support person who told me there hands are tied, the request has to be made to management and they do not have a telephone number listed, just e-mail. I have e-mailed them 6 times, there responses are boiler plate responses with no resolution.
this is a ripe off stay away!
Having lots of problems with dealfun. Everytime we would try to bid it would either bid and log us out or not bid and log us out. Couldn’t use the bid buddy as it said I wasn’t logged in when I was. Declined several of my credit cards for no reason. Got on the other day and when it booted me off again and I logged back in ALL my bids had disappeared. They won’t answer any of my e-mails and now there website is down. If that isn’t enought reason to stay away from Dealfun, then I don’t know what is?? (Still haven’t recieved what I won about a month ago and suspect I never will. Sounds like there about to shut down.)
I think Dealfun is gone for good. I have not been able to locate them now for the last 3 days. Aside from the hundreds of complaints scattered all over the Internet from winners who paid and received nothing, we’re now going to hear from all the rest who I’m sure will number into the thousands. Just imagine the number of people who just enrolled, gave them their credit card number, bought a bid pack and then a few minutes later…no more websight. I’m real glad I used a prepaid credit card in which there is nothing left for them to steal.
Deal Fun also owes me a couple of iPad’s and a MP3 player. They do not respond to emails and now look like they are getting ready to take the money and run. All they have on the website today are headbands and makeup. I am all in for a class action, if not I will file a personal lawsuit against them.
I just spoke with a Gary from dealfun who said he does not have to give me his last name and he does not have a supervisor. He insist all my items are in process and have not been cancelled. He said they had supplier problems but they are in process of being packed and shipped, he said it could take 3 weeks, I told him nobody takes three weeks to ship an item. Only silence from his end after that comment. I should have recorded the conversation I will record the next one.
I am able to reach them but they are only selling headbands and makeup. They keep changing IP’s. They are using the Amazon Cloud Service for their servers so it is easy to keep moving them. The IP they have right now is This morning they were using I reported them to Amazon. You can follow their IP Address using this website.
Here is just a thought, with all the bids that they have given out because of cancelled orders, are they waiting for them all to expire before they put some decent stuff back on there site, using maintence issues etc as an excuse? I received all my gift vouchers I paid for this week via email. But the helicopters and train sets MP3 players they cancelled because of running out of stock, but when they give out thousands of free bids, maybe millions to appease bidders, that will cost them bigtime
WARNING: DO NOT JOIN Deal Fun. Its far from a fun site, its a total scam. I won 7 auctions and received 2 crap head bands. They then shut the site down for maintenance I can only assume after heaps of complaints not being able to supply because of so called supplier issues.Just take a look at the crap they are auctioning now. What a total waste of money.
looking on the internet for a cheap auction site that isnt a scam and found your blog about dealfun. keep up the good work
They have now told me they couldn’t ship the thing I “won” on the spin. Now they’ve deposited 4 BILLION – with a B! bids in my account and I can only bid on headbands or lip gloss.
I learned the hard way. First, when they give you vouchers, they have expiration dates, usually 10 days, however, purchased bids are a totally different item and they will not replace your “purchased bids with other purchased bids”. Vouchers are worth nothing, purchased bids will LOWER THE PRICE OF THE ITEM UNDER THE BUY NOW SECTION, VOUCHERS DO NOT. They also keep a record of your personal IP address, that way, they know when yo log on and IF they want you to log on. They were having problems, so instead of allowing people to win on the auction clock when it hit the one second mark, they are not supposed to leave that there for more than 15 sec’s, but they have left winners hanging on for more than 3-4 minutes, therefore allowing another person to outbid them! Then is u use Bid Buddy, well, even if you have it activated and bids left, someone else wins the auction??? And you still are bidding automatically???
Their site name is owned by Go and the last I saw on that site is the website name is up for sale for 69.99 plus commission. As for ever getting what they owe you, basically, you can forget about it, they keep saying they are sending it out again and again, but never do. You are also unable to track packages anymore. And if they refund your money on an auction you won, well IF YOU WON THAT ITEM AFTER PURCHASING THE 99.00 OR 149.00 BID PACKAGE, WHICH BOTH GUARANTEE A WIN…AND THE ITEM THEY REFUNDED WAS THE ONLY ONE YOU WON, WELL THEY OWE YOU THE MONEY FOR THE ENTIRE BID PACKET, THATS ON THEIR PROMISE, AND OTHER AREAS OF THEIR SITE.
Dealfun must be going under. I won an ipod for .26 cents in early January. I kept writing with little response until I get an email stating they do not have the item and credited my card for 26 cents??? Huh? I won fare and square so they should refund the list price on the items which they provide, not 26 cents a month later. Also the bids stop at 1 second very often even for a minute or more until another sucker bids back to 15 seconds for the countdown to one, where it just sits and waits. Many times you won’t notice unless you should have won the item. Happened to me on an ipad at $103.05 and just sat there until a bid was placed again. I won the item at stalled one second 3 times and wrote that I expect the ipad to be shipped and them to check my bid account for proof of this. All I got was , it must be my browser! Yeah right, it must be everyones browser because it happens to many of the items that were there. When bidding is busy, you’ll never know because someone will bid that last second, so in this case, the item received 10,305 bids(wow) at the 40 cents or so, with no intention of letting it go to zero. I wasted 130 bids and they said they apologize and credited 15 bids to my account for this!!!! I am pissed and would gladly jon a class action suit before they stash their cash in a swiss bank account. I did win a watch andwhich got deivered…. Holy shat, they pryed open their cffer once!
I have won 2 ipads and an MP3 Player also, with nothing shipped, I also won an auction for an iPad that sat at the 1 second mark for 2 Minutes 11 seconds until someone else bid on it, probably them. I have screen shots to prove this happened, and I agree they owe you what you won not your money back. I am up for a lawsuit and I have documented well if anyone else wants to try a class action lets get started.
Hi Nina, you say owned by Go is that the company that sponcered Danica Patrick in Indycars?
Hi is there anybody else been ripped by dealfun here in New Zealand?
Hi Adrian
Yip – I have been screwed royally as well (from NZ). 9 auctions won – 1 received, the others cancelled and replaced with worthless vouchers.
100% Gaurantee of satisfaction – I think not.
Suspect they are in the process of going belly up – and good job to them, if this is the case. Pack of arseh####.
Cost me a couple of hundred dollars.
Hi Mike, yep me too couple hundred, they cancelled my wins and replaced with 900 odd bid vouchers, which at the time I was unhappy with, but then started to bid on Amazon gift cards $60 worth I won and they emailed them to me so I got abit back, but I lost 800 of there replacement bids in last few days as nothing but crap to bid on!
this is a scam…..start up cost $69.00 charged on my credit card…thank God I never brought any bids just used the ones I got at start-up plus the ones you could get for free. I supposedly won an MP3Player…but never received it..Their excuse was “our vendor did not provide them with an accurate stock count” hence the delay in sending the item. I wrote them several times and even warned them that I would report them….they credited my credit card for $.30…I got scared because they have all my info from my credit card so I cancelled my card….please, for all those out there CANCEL YOUR CREDIT CARD and reapply!!!!
Im from australia just tried to buy a nikon coolfix camera for my future holiday plan and i have been chasing them since last week because jut like you guys its almost two weeks now since i ordered this item,im shocked that looks like i might not be able to get my camera !
I found this material valuable
I am very disappointed to see that so many people are having a problem with dealfun also. I purchased three android tablets for a total of $307.58 and had to cancel my order as it was taking so long to receive them and I finally e-mailed them to inquire and they told me that they were having supplier issues and would credit my account with bids. The bids have since disappeared and what would I want to bid on now anyway? All they have is junk! I have been trying to get them to let me know when I will be receiving reimbursement for my money. Glad to find this phone number! I will now try harrassing them on the phone. This really sucks!!
I also won a tablet 7seven weeks ago which Ihave not received, I,ve sent emails and gotten back the same response email saying they are reviewing my request, they also deactivated my account and I lost 295 bids which I never got back when I complained to their support email address.They opened the account again but no bids there. I,m not very happy either. Helen.
I also bought bids and right after that there was nothing but juke up for sale. Asked for my money back but no reponse nothing at all
I have paid 78dollars and everytime I bid for something I was pipped at the post.Now I try to get on to the dealfun website and cant. I would say they have shot through with my money and who knows how many other suckers.Its doubtful whether anyone will get anything back from this bunch of crooks.
They shoul be made accountable and jailed for fraud.
I too was a “victim” of Dealfun. I bought a guaranteed to win bid package. Never won on a bid but did end up buying a tablet for 14.99 and just pennies on some other junk.
After waiting for a month for the tablet to arrive I contacted them, they told me they would resend it.
By this time I knew it was a scam so I threatened to report them to the BBB and contact my credit card company, after several emails back and forth they did refund ALL the money.
They also told me when I received the tablet I needed to return it, lol that was Dec 2011 and guess what, still no tablet….Dealfun is a total scam, but if you threaten them you might get your money back…..good luck
Everytime I try to contact dealfun I just cant log on to their site.Whether its because I live in New Zealand or not I’m not sure,but they appear to have blocked access to the website so iam unable to contact them.Is there anyone else having this problem?
I guess you need not read anymore, because it is a scam. Within weeks of winning my bids, I was informed that the items was not available because of short inventory.
Tired to contact them and only got the automatic response. Never the return of my money nor anything else. I guess I have lost the $97.00 but the bids I used to win the bid. I will not do this one again. I could have added 105 dollars more and purchased my item. If there is a class action suit out there I am going to join it. Hopefully I would get at least my money back. I am angry with myself becaouse I should have known better and just buy the item out right.
I’m pretty upset too. I actually bought $99.00 packet with my Debit Card (bad move– because there is no credit card company to have charges refuted), and watched an action or two– I guess I bid $2.00 worth–because DealFun tells me I have $97.00 left. But it seemed like I’d never win, and I was busy, so I didn’t go back for 3 months. When I did, I could not get in, could not recover my Usrn or PW. Finally, I’ve recovered, reset it today–only to discover the were NO AUCTIONS offered!! The WheelDeal tells me it’s down for maintenance. Yes, it looks like I’m going to loose my Bid $$ too. Where are US lawyers, and government regulations when you need them. I got sent to this site while doing “– a quick referral pop up came up, and I thought it was part of NoMoreRack, which Martha Stewart had touted on TV. All a big scam. Wish I would not have been sucked in, and would have done more Due Diligence (like this site before last Nov’s deposit)! Be Warned and forget DealFun.
This is a ripoff site. STAY AWAY. Stupid me bought $119and never even got 1 bid in. Called and did get a live person and said they were having supplier problems and would be back online in a week or two. That was in early Febuary. Now they are gone. If there is a class action suit, count me in.
Total SCAM!!!!!!!! THEY TOOK ME FOR $90.00 and when I contacted them, they said they would refund my account, ( I have that on Email) and of course nothing was refunded, and now I cannot contact them!!!!!!!!
Count me in for another $100 prepaid, promised to return my money two months ago. I first though they missed a cutoff date w/credit card company, but then it wasn’t there today so I tried reaching them….and as you all know…IT”S A SCAM!!!! What can we do? Please count me in the lawsuit if there is an attorney out there that got screwed.
Unfortunately I like others have had a bad experience with Deal Fun
I ordered and paid for a product that was never delivered
When I complained to Dealfun this was their reply
On 26/01/2012, at 5:35 PM, wrote:
> Dear DealFun Customer,
> Please accept our sincere apology for the delay in
> processing DFB13246214227927. Unfortunately, our
> vendor who did not provide us with an accurate
> stock count caused the delay.
> Due to the inconvenience this has caused our
> customers, we will no longer be using this vendor,
> as they are unable to guarantee top-level service
> that we expect for our customers.
> For the inconvenience:
> 1. We have refunded you the amount you were billed
> for this product.
> 2. We have credited your DealFun account the
> retail value in the form of bids
> Thank you in advance for your understanding and we
> look forward to hearing from you.
> Regards,
> DealFun Support
I did not get a refund but useless vouchers
I would be interested in making Dealfun accountable
I can’t believe I fell for this. I never ever have put my credit card down to pay for anything on the net and what do I do? I decide to take a chance with this site. I am so pissed and every time I asked for my money back right after I joined they ignored all my emails. And there was no number I could call. When I decided to try and bid something to get my money’s worth, everything I bid on was unavailable in Canada. They are such a scam..
Generally I don’t learn post on blogs, however I would like to say that this write-up very compelled me to try and do it! Your writing taste has been amazed me. Thanks, very nice article.
Got rip off from Dealfun, was trying to sign up for qui bids but deal fun hijacked my computer and without realizing it gave them my credit card info and on my cc for the package at $99.00. called my cc customer support and they informed me to file a complaint with the state attorney generals dept. I will do this on Monday. I live in phila, Pa and Dealfun is corrupt to the bone!!!!
It’s to bad these websites start up with the intention to do wrong. You give them your hard earned money and you get ripped off. Stop Fraud, RipoffReport, Fraud, Scam.